Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Procedural Text: How to make paper mache bowls

 How to make paper mache bowls.

 Materials Needed:
1. A few Empty egg trays
2. Some Glue
3. Some Plaster of Paris
4. A large bucket with some water
5. A blender
6. A mould
7. Some oil
8. Some paint
9. Glitter to decorate

1. Tear the empty egg trays into little pieces.
2. Soak the little pieces in water for two days.
3. Blend the soaked pieces in a blender.
4. Mix some glue and plaster of paris in the blended mixture.
5. Spread some oil on the mould.
6. Spread the mixture onto the mould.
7. Leave it to dry for 2 days.
8. Separate the mould from the paper mache bowl.
9. Paint the bowl.
10. Decorate it with glitter.

 By: Edith Room 4


Anonymous said...

Hi Room 4,

The bowls you made looked beautiful.

Well done Edith I like the way you have written your steps in the correct order... I may use your steps to make one myself!

Miss Barlow

Anonymous said...

Your paper mache bowls look amazing room 4! How long did it take you to make them. Edith - your instructions are very clear - room ten might follow them to make their own bowls. Keep up the good work.