Room 4 thought it would be awesome to think about what we might like to be when we grow up. When we grow up there are lots of things we could do and be. We had lots of fun making our movie, dressing up in the different costumes and learning the dances.
We learnt that it is important to think about what you might want to be when you grow up and there are lots of choices. I was very interested to find out more about Martin Luther King. He was a man who was responsible for his actions.
Our movie was also shown at the Tamaki Primary Academy Awards.
When I grow up from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
When I grow up from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Hi Room 4,
Wow Room 4 that is so amazing. Did you know that I want to be a Dancer when I grow up to. What do you want to be when you grow up? I loved how you always though of a different thing every time. Keep it Up Room 4 Tamaki Primary.
From Sela At Pt England School
How are you I bet that was hard to shuffle I can't do the shuffle it's to hard.
I like your show hope you make another one
That was awesome and it was fantastic and I hope you make more videos.
It was so cool when I watch it and Charlie-ray who was on the bed he was good at acting and the dancer were at dancing.
Wow room4 I am really really surprised that your entry got chosen it was really really beautiful.
Out of all the movies at the manaiakalani, I'll say that this one is the best. PS: Really cool dance moves. Maybe you could teach it to me someday.
I like the music!
great speaking Charlie-Ray!
I like the way you spoke nice and clearly
This was my favourite movie. I liked Charlie-Ray when he was day dreaming!!
This is a really great movie room4. I really loved it all. And also it is alot funny. But the most amazing part I saw was the electrician one. Awesome movie guys!!!
WOW WOW WOW! Great job Room 4... next stop Hollywood!
the man cool movie nice. i'm with kamka make some more movies because those were alosome
I love the music and the dancing. Charlie-Ray you have all the moves.
I liked the dancing and the way the students moved. I loved the costumes.
Charlie-Ray was thinking what would he be if he grew- a farmer
a dancer
an electrician
a singer
I want to be a dancer.
Hi Room 4
I was so glad to see you guys up on the screen and plus that was the best movie out of every movie!!
I loved the way that Charlie-ray deicied that what he was going to grow up
I like yours room 4 because the way that Charlie-Ray spoke clearly and loudly.Way to go.
That is a really enjoyable and great movie and lesson.I thought about what I will be when I grow up and I am going to be a singer like Justin Bieber.
What where you dreaming about
Great movie Room 4, I really enjoyed watching this movie it really made me and my friends think about what we want to be or become when we grow up. Keep it up!
Hi room 4 I think it was amazing and I think it was fun and good job room 4.Brandon
I liked the song and i liked the dancing.
I liked the moves.
I love your draming
Cool idea.
I like charly when he was day dreaming
I like room 4's movie keep it up room 4.
i like your movie room 4.
I love room 4's movie because Charlie-Ray speaks clearly and loudly.
I like chayra because he speaks clear and nicely.
From Sifa
I liked Room 4's 'When I Grow Up' because he dreamed about lots of interesting things.
I liked room 4 because they use their clear voices and they didn't push the limits. Dupri and Jayden
I like room 4 because i like the acting and the songs it really made me think about my future.
I like Charlie-Ray because he is dances with room 4, when he dreams at bed time. I like the way how Charlie-ray spoke loud and clear.
Keep up the cool movies.
From Timeus and Ara.
I like room 4 and I like how Charlie-Ray has a clear voice.
From Fala Kiko
I like room 4 because charlie ray spoke loud.Charlie ray sang loud.I like room 7 because I think charlie-ray was good and good at acting.
I like your songs
WOW!Room 4 I like how you used your clear voices and you didn't push each other. I also like the part when you were thinking of what you want to be when you grow up.
From jadaleigh (Room2)
I liked the part when Charlie-ray
was thinking he was a preacher because he was an awesome rapper.
From Demetrius and Tupou
I like room 4s film because when Charlie-Ray was singing his song he was singing it clearly and loudly.
By Esther from room 2
Cerenity said...
I like room 4's because I like the way that Charlie Ray was dancing.
I like room 4's movie because I like the way Charlie-ray was thinking, it made me think too.
From Joedzy (room 2)
I liked Room 4's because I like How charlie Ray spoke loudly!!!
I like the way that charlie ray was acting.
By Kira From Room 2
I like Room 4's movie because of how Charily-Ray was thinking about all the things that he could do when he was older. By Toma
I like room 4's movie because I like the way they sang the songs.
From Ngarongo
I liked the dance.
I like room 4 because Charlie-Ray's voice was clear.By Denise in Room 2
Great work Charlie-Ray you have done a awesome job on your film.My favourite was when you were singing.
I like Room 4's movie because Charlie-Ray spoke really loud. Charlie-Ray sang loudly and clearly.
By: Alone from Room 2.
I like Room 4 because Charlie-Ray was trying to sleep, then he was thinking of what he could be when he grew up. When I grow up, I want to be a police lady.
By Alethia :D
I liked the part when charlie-ray was singing the lazy son.
I like the way that Charlie-Ray was dancing.
Great work Charlie-Ray you have danced really well in your movie and I like the way you spoke clearly and loudly.
by Metui in Room 3
I like the way when charlie ray
was draming about when he wanted
to be a farmer. I liked the songs
Good movie room 4.. Very creative.. Enjoyed it heaps. And had a good laugh..
From Sara Lopamaua
Hi Tamaki Primary,
I really liked your movie I think that you have a very good taste in music as well.
From Darius
Hey Room 4
Your movie was creative and hilarious at the same time. I especially loved the scene when you used our NZ music to represent the farming courier.
Hi Tamaki primary,
I really loved your movie, I think that you have a very good taste in music. I think you have more taste then me.
From Stevie
Hi Tamaki Primary,
I liked your dancing and your songs. It was very cool.
Keep up the great work
From Teagan
Hi Tamaki Primary.I loved how you thought of showing what he wanted to be when he grew up as a song. It was very creative. I also liked how you got songs from celebrities to dance to.
Hi Tamaki primary,
I really like your film. It is very interesting and such a cool video.
From Taryn at Panmure Bridge school
Hi room 4 ,nice dancing and good thinking on how you thought you were going to be when you grow up,I even thought what I'll be when I grow up.
Good Job room 4 I enjoyed watching your movie you guys really love music I can't wait till the next manaiakalani.
Hi Room 4,
Great video! I loved the way you used actions like a real super star. I think you had the best video.
From Sau and Taylor
Hi room4 I really liked your film I liked that you wondered what your were going to be when you grow up.It was very interesting and such nice music.
WOW, Room 4 your movie was cool as, I liked how Charlie Ray thought of what he want do be in his future, I loved your musics. Keep up the good work :)
From Tionee in Room 7. At Tamaki Primary.
Hi Room 4,
Your movie was excellent.It was so cool how everybody was in each scene in the movie also because how there was funky dancing.Well Done and keep up the good work!!!
From Mehi
Hi room4 I really liked your film I liked that you wondered what your were going to be when you grow up.It was very interesting and such nice music.
Hi Tamaki Primary,
I really liked how the background was in your classroom ,and I loved what you were wondering about what you wanted to be when you grow up.
Great job!Keep up the great work!
Hi Room 4 I really like your movie About when I grow up, and its really cool to be like you.
Hi Room 4 what a great and fantastic
Film.I actually enjoyed a descent film like that and I hoped you enjoyed the film two and every one else that came to Manaiakalani.
Keep Up The Good Work Room 4
By Kraven And Cavhyon !!
Hi Room 4,
Your movie was a great movie you made there. That movie was very good and helpful. Will you make another movie next year like this one?
WOW Charlie-Ray you really made me think what I Want to be when I grow up.What do you want to be when you grow up.Keep the good effort up.:)
Dear Room 4,
I loved this movie it was exciting when you started to explain what you want to be when you grow up well done Charlie Ray. I also love the electric song when I heard it I stared to dance
From Charday
I liked the amazing movie it was very good and it was a inspiring movie keep it up!
I liked the amazing movie it was very good and it was a inspiring movie keep it up room 4!
Awesome movie Room 4, I really enjoyed it. The thing, I liked the best was that you were very creative of how you acted out his thoughts. You have obviously have worked together very well. Keep up the great work guys and I am looking forward to your next movie.
I liked the movie.You's should make another fantastic movie.Charlie-Ray you are going to an amazing movie star when you grow up.
Hi Tamaki Primary i like your movie
keep it up
H Rm4,
Wow Rm4 I was really hooked into your magical movie uses made.Uses really made me think about what I want to be when I grow up.What do you want to do when uses grow up?Keep up with the wonderful work Rm4.
By Malia.
Hey Tamaki primary,
I really loved your film.
your movie was so amazing.
I loved how you used your creative.
Keep up the cool work, and please check our movie called "Three words"
Wow that film was cool and Interesting and awesome. Keep up the great work you guys.
wow great video their I really enjoyed the part when you wanted to be a electronic when you guys are dancing great movie by the way
I like the show it was great and I really enjoyed it. Well done keep it up. And great singing by the way.
Wow great Movie Room 4 I just love how you used your imagination in the film, what I also saw was a whole class working together to make the wonderful film keep up the good work.
Hi what a wonderful creative work you did keep the good work up:)
Hi Tamaki Primary I really like you movie, I love how you used your creative so keep it up, and please check our our movie called"Three words".
I liked when you guys dressed up your looked good on it. I like how you made up the movie the movie was great I am looking forward to your movie next year.
Well done room four I really enjoy watching your film Festival. I liked how you guys obviously worked together. Keep up that good job you did room four.
I really like your movie. keep this up
Wow Room4 I really liked it when you dressed up in different costumes, You are really creative in the way you think about what you should be when you grow up. You obviously worked together to get this movie in time for the Manaiakalani Film Festiva. Keep the Good work up, You should really check out the room3's movie that we made for the film festival it is named 3 words, Enjoy it
I like how you made up the movie I liked how you dressed up I am looking forward to wacth your other movie next year
this comment is from OSCAR
what a lovely movie that you have
PRASENT FOR Tamaki Primary
it from oscar
Fa'amanu i think you were good at your dancing when you wearing the robot box.
Hi I liked the way you guys was creative in the way you shared the story. Keep it up. Well done. :-)
Hi I like the way you guys creative the way you shared the story. Keep it up. Well Done. :-)
Hello Room 4 My name is Sonya.H I am from Saint Pius X school in G.I I really like your Movie that you guys made. I really like it how you are creative in the way you shared your movie with everyone. I can't wait to see your movie next year. Don't forget to come onto our blog to comment=)
Hello Tamaki Primary School
I really got entertained by your movie!The music videos you made were hilarious,amazing and very entertaining. You guys can be choreographers!
How old are you? because you are all amazing actors and dancers.
Well Done and Fantastic Job.
Hello Tamaki Primary. That was very entertaining, I enjoyed it. Hope to see the next movie you make. Well done.
Wow that is very good,
because when I grow up I am going to be a doctor so well done
Keep it up
I want to be when Igrow
Good jod keep it up.
Great job you really worked hard.
Hi this is Sarai & Henry and we really liked your movie it was so cool and funny.From Sarai & Henry
Hello room 4 my name is Devonn and I am from Glen Innes School. Your film when I grow up has inspired me. Because I always think at night and say to myself what I am going to be when I grow up. I have a question. did this film inspire you?
Hi room 4 i like the videos you did. Charley Ray you were the best actor and my favourite character. Well done guys use were the best!.
Hi room 4 i like the videos you did. Charley Ray you were the best actor and my favourite character. Well done guys use were the best!.
What an excellent movie Room 4! It was so entertaining! Good thing you still have plenty of time to worry about what you will be in the future!
From your friends at PES in Room 14 :)
copy cats
by bob
You guys don't just have an awesome movie but you guys have done a movie for the other kids to see what they would like to be when they are older so they have a lot of options when they are older. Keep up your good work.
If you had another movie what would it be and why are you doing it?
By Jacob Fifita
Hi, Room 4! WOW, I really enjoyed watching this movie because of the dancing, singing and other fun things:)Keep up that excellent acting!
hello Tamaki primary:)
I love the way Charlie ray improve himself by thinking what will he be when he grows up keep up with the good work:)
Hello there Room 4 TPS
This is an AWESOME! movie hands down, Charlie Ray is such and amazing actor. I love the songs and the participation of your class. So Charlie one question, What do you want to be when you grow up?.
Ili Lolaka
charlie I loved the way you used your expression. And your such a great actor!
michael i like the way you were dancing in the black and white song
charlie Ray rocks!!!!!!!!
Michael looks funny
Michael looks funny
Michael looks funny
Michael looks funny
Michael looks funny
Mairangi said good job ch-ray your the man
Good work Charlie Ray.I like the way you acted.
By Joedzy
Room 4 Jahrell and Cypress really enjoyed watching your movie we hope that you will make another movie like that for the next manaikalani bye.
Hi room 4
I like the way you guys acted when Charlie Ray would say what he wanted to be when he would grow up.
Hi Room 4 I enjoyed your movie it was very funny.I liked the music, and cool dancing.How did you make it so good?
I like your moive. I wish that I was you
WOW charlie ray i like how you done your movie so well and i like how mrs munuyag said good night charlie ray and i like how michale done his michale jackson moves an when pashints done her dance an she looks beautiful. by rhythm.
WOW charlie ray i like how you done your movie so well and i like how mrs munuyag said good night charlie ray and i like how michale done his michale jackson moves an when pashints done her dance an she looks beautiful. by rhythm.
WOW charlie ray i like how you done your movie so well and i like how mrs munuyag said good night charlie ray and i like how michale done his michale jackson moves an when pashints done her dance an she looks beautiful. by rhythm.
WOW charlie ray i like your exspreshion. rhythm
wow charlie ray i like how you thorht about what you were going to do the last cuple of days. rhythm
can you plsau read this down the bottom. rhythm.
can you plsau read this down the bottom. rhythm.
Hi Room 4.Your maniakalani film festival movie was great.
Wow I wonder what I wanna be when I grow up to hmmmm I think about it when I grow up but that was a cool movie it should be on youtube and get 1 million hits in just a little while. get 1 million hits then we'll be the popular school
WOw Paris i liked the way you looked at the addients but next time maybe you can speak in a clear vioce and look at the addients to then just looking at the papper so much. by rhythm.
Wow what a beautiful video
Tamaki primary
Wow Charlie you sure got some moves on there.
What a funny and a cool video my eyes have ever seen it's really great.
hey tall Michael that I said to him nice jod saying in the hole school to room 7
hey tall Michael that I said to him nice jod saying in the hole school to room 7
hey tall Michael that I said to him nice jod saying in the hole school to room 7
hey tall Michael that I said to him nice jod saying in the hole school to room 7
This is awesome!
WoW room 4 This is a a really cool movie.My Favourite part is when Charlie-Ray wanted to be a preacher.
We think your movie was awesome.
Our favourite part was when Charlie Ray was rapping to twista hopeful.
We were wondering about how did you bring this movie to life and make it all happen.
Thank you for sharing your movie with me.
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